Lincoln Wings & Wheels

Wings & Wheels Community Expo
Sponsorship Information
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Thank you for considering financial support for the 2024 Lincoln Airport Wings & Wheels Community Expo (formerly the Lincoln Airport Open House).
The 2023 Airport Open House was an outstanding success, with over 7,500 guests coming through the airport gates to see hot air balloons, all varieties of aircraft, and sports-classic-exotic cars. Our goal was to provide a fun-filled, family-oriented, and educational experience for local and regional residents and visitors…and this was achieved.
For 2024, we are ramping up the on-site action and regional guest outreach. We now expect 10,000+ guests from the Lincoln area and the surrounding communities to enjoy the event. The Expo will be regional is scope, with terrific promotional opportunities for sponsors.
The festivities will start Friday evening August 23rd with an invitation-only BBQ for event supporters and a ‘moonglow’ hot air balloon light show, augmented by a local band playing all the best hits of today and yesterday. Saturday will begin with an early morning hot air balloon rise, followed by arriving aircraft for static display and flybys, and hundreds of vehicles. Bottom line: more aircraft, more cars, more hot air balloons, and more food and artisan vendors. We are also expanding our Youth Aviation Learning Experience, with flight simulators and activities for the young and young at heart.
The event is again being sponsored by the city of Lincoln, with major support from the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce and local pilots associated with the Lincoln Chapter of the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA). Parking for the event will be free and event entrance will be only $10 per adult and free for youth under 12, good for both Friday night and Saturday.
While the city of Lincoln is the official sponsor of this event and will be contributing public safety and public works services, they are not able to provide direct funding for the event…and this is where your company or organization comes in. We need financial support for avgas for certain Warbird participants, propane for the hot air balloons, and marketing/promotion expenses. Any net revenues will be given to the youth flight scholarship program of the local Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) chapter.
Advertising your services at the Expo. Last year we partnered with Rocket TV for their Jumbotron, integrating that visual experience with a professional sound system that carried throughout the display area. The Jumbotron and audio systems will again be used for this event.
Sponsorship benefits. Participation as a sponsor will provide your business with valuable local and regional exposure. The International Council of Air Shows survey indicates that air event attendees are a much sought-after purchasing group.
We would appreciate your commitment as soon as possible for financial planning purposes. Please contact Richard Pearl, Lincoln Airport Wings & Wheels executive director at:; 916.715.9666. Note: Donations are NOT tax deductible. Please see page three of this packet for payment details